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What are the basic details of the conference?

Check out the

Conference Presentations!

Missed the conference?

No worries, click below to view all 12 presentation slides. 

  • Join a national community of FGLI students
  • Learn about programs and services provided to FGLI students at different colleges

  • Discover how to advocate for FGLI support on your campus

  • Get and share helpful information

  • Find out about invaluable resources

  • Last, but not least, have fun!

Why should you attend this conference?

What makes this conference unique?

1. More Inclusive
Any FGLI student attending (or who will be attending) any 4-year college is welcome. Most other FGLI student conferences restrict attendance to students attending a small number of elite colleges.
2. More Affordable
Because our conference is 100% virtual, there are no travel costs.
3. For Students, By Students
Unlike most other conferences, students choose session topics and all session presenters are students.
4. Paid Internships for Session Presenters
Student presenters will gain real-world, hands-on experience and be paid for their time. A few other conferences might also offer paid internships, but not many.

What is the student attendee timeline?

Aug 26th - Sep 4th
Voting on session topics
Sep 8th
Student Registration Begins
Nov 4th

What is the student presenter timeline?

Aug 26th - Sep 4th
Voting on session topics
Sep 8th
Student Registration Begins
Sep 8th - 17th
Applications accepted for micro-internships/
session leaders
Sep 20th 
Micro-internships Announced
Sep 22nd
(Paid) Micro-internships begin
Oct 1st
1st draft of session presentation due
Oct 15th
Final draft of session presentation due
Oct 22nd
Complete dry run of conference
Oct 29th
Video call with interns
Nov 4th
Nov 6th-17th
Sponsor webinars and conference review

What's up with the micro-internships?

If you want to do more than attend, you can also present at the conference.
Each conference session will be led by 2 college-student interns (number of sessions/interns TBD).
In addition, there will be 2 conference co-chair college-student interns. 
Each college-student intern will receive a $600 stipend to reflect:
8-week internship
5 hours per week
$15 per hour
Stipends paid bi-weekly upon successful completion of assignments.
All internships are virtual, so students from any 4-year college can apply.
Applications for internships will be accepted September 8th-17th.
Internships begin September 22nd and end November 17th. 

What sponsorship opportunities are available?

Meet the

Click below to see all our student presenter/interns. We have 26 interns from 26 colleges and 20 states. 

Tentative Conference Schedule

Conference (9).png
Opening Keynote Speaker
Norma Torres Mendoza
Session 1: The Whole Person
A. Self Care
B. Intersecting Identities
Session 2: Financial Aid
A. Scholarships and Grants
B. Federal Work-Study
Session 3: Continuing your Education​
A. Grad School
B. Law School
Session 4: Break/Community Building
A. Study Abroad
B. Extracurriculars and Leadership
Session 5: Work/Career
A. The Ships (Intern and Fellow)
B. Finding Your First Job
Session 6: Advocating for Programs/Services at Your Campus​
A. Dedicated Space and Office/University Staff
B. Summer Bridge and Pre-Orientation Programs
Closing Keynote Speaker
Josh Farris

Tentative Conference Schedule

All times are Eastern Time Zone

All times are Eastern Time Zone

(For companies, organizations, or colleges that want to support this event - your support keeps attendance free of charge for students.)


Sponsor a Session

Cost: $500

Benefits: Name/Logo in:

  • Session materials

  • Conference program

  • Conference webpage

  • 2 Instagram posts

  • 2 LinkedIn posts


Sponsor an Intern

Cost: $600

Benefits: Same as Session Sponsorship plus:

  • Additional section in conference materials for info about internships, corporate/org info etc.


Bronze Level

Cost: $1,000

Benefits: Same as Intern Sponsorship plus:

  • 30-minute live webinar with interns (post-conference)

  • Featured section on website for 1 year


Silver Level

Cost: $1,500

Benefits: Same as Bronze Sponsorship plus:

  • List of names, colleges, and contact details for interns (students must opt-in) 


Gold Level

Cost: $2,000

Benefits: Same a Silver Sponsorship plus:

  • List of names, colleges, and contact details for attendees (students must opt- in)


Platinum Level

Cost: $5,000

Benefits: Same a Gold Sponsorship plus:

  • 60-minute live webinar with interns and attendees

  • Keynote speaker spot

  • List of students majors, GPAs, and LinkedIn profiles for attendees (students must opt-in)

What sponsorship opportunities are available?

If you don't see a sponsorship here that meets your needs, and have an idea for one that would,

please contact us. We'd be happy to discuss creating a customized sponsorship that works for you.

(For companies, organizations, or colleges that want to support this event - your support keeps attendance free of charge for students.)

If you don't see a sponsorship here that meets your needs, and have an idea for one that would, please contact us. We'd be happy to discuss creating a customized sponsorship that works best for you.

Please feel free to reach out to us.

We'd love to hear from you!

What if I have questions or want more information?

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